Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Silver nail foils

After years of biting my nails, I have finally grown them out and what better way to celebrate the aesthetic goodness of nail than... mirror nails.
Ten million photos of metallic nail foils on tumblr and I had to have a go.

I bought the nail foil stickers off eBay for around $2 US. They just come with no instructions because the process is pretty straightforward. That's not to say the actual application is so simple. The edges of the nail stickers were similar to my own nail shape but needed to be trimmed down as all the nail stickers were too wide. Also, the stickers themselves are thick and inflexible. Not at all how I imagined they would be, so application is very difficult and it's hard to not crease or bubble the foils.

They did look great and noone was going to see them up close or notice the slight imperfections.
They lasted great the first 24 hours then I decided to paint a top coat over to try and preserve them seeings as I had read on the internet that they only last a day and can be removed with hot soapy water. ALARM BELLS! I couldn't go a few hours without washing my hands so the top coat idea seemed to be a good one. Until I did it. They nail stickers didn't react well and went matte and shrivelled.
So here's my one main tip - Don't use a top coat, at least not a quick dry one like I did.

(Also sorry for the terrible hand poses, I don't have straight fingers so trust me, this is better than natural hands!)

They did look pretty good during the first day so I recommend only wearing them for a special event or short occasion, they won't last more than a few days and you'll have the urge to peel them off when the edges start lifting. For a temporary look though, they are cheap, look great and get plenty of compliments.

Pardon my terrible photos too, lack of a good camera and no skills at inserting photos into the text plus never having used Blogger I am struggling!

Have you used nail foils and have tips for me? Leave a comment stranger,


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